This is the Arithmetic
protocol, using formRemainder
for the mutating operation. 1
x = y.adding(z)
y.add(z) // y = y.adding(z)
x = y.subtracting(z)
y.subtract(z) // y = y.subtracting(z)
x = y.multiplied(by: z)
y.multiply(by: z) // y = y.multiplied(by: z)
x = y.divided(by: z)
y.divide(by: z) // y = y.divided(by: z)
x = y.remainder(dividingBy: z)
y.formRemainder(dividingBy: z) // y = y.remainder(dividingBy: z)
protocol Arithmetic {
func adding(other: Self) -> Self
func subtracting(other: Self) -> Self
func multiplied(by other: Self) -> Self
func divided(by other: Self) -> Self
func remainder(dividingBy rhs: Self) -> Self
mutating func add(other: Self)
mutating func subtract(other: Self)
mutating func multiply(by other: Self)
mutating func divide(by other: Self)
mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)
That’s “arith-MEH-tic,” folks. ↩